Friday, May 29, 2009

Confession time

Last week I had a chicken go broody and I put 5 eggs under her.


  1. Megan, what does that mean?????? How do you go broody?
    BTW - thanks for that mac and cheese info. on the family blog. I saw that at Albertsons and wasn't real sure if it was a deal or not. Now, I will be going back, thanks to you!!

  2. I've been feeling kinda broody all week and I'm glad nobody came along and stuck some eggs under me. That would have been a dirty trick to play.

  3. Broody for a hen means that she wants to raise some chicks. Its a hormonal thing for them.

    They will literally sit on a nest and won't get up by choice. Its almost like they are in a trance.

    So whether I put eggs under her or not, she will sit on the nest for the next 2-3 weeks. I will have to push her off the nest at least once a day so that she will eat and drink.

    Makes things interesting.
