So yes, Quinten has a tooth. and another one on the way out. The first one was no problem, that second one had him very cranky yesterday though. Nolan has been a bit fussy as well and has me worried that he might be working on a few teeth of his own. Edison has been growing his canine teeth for the past few months also. The thing about Ned (Edison) is that he is tough. I think I've given him medicine for teething pain less than 10 times. He just doesn't whine, or maybe has a high pain tolerance. Who knows.
Anyway, life keeps on rolling for the rest of us. I'm going a bit crazy most of the time trying to keep up with Ned and the twins. Luckily Ned is such an easy going kid. He loves to hug and kiss and smack and play with the twins. They love it. I can easily see them all playing together in a few months when they are more mobile. They already gaze at him with adoring eyes. He will be the leader. Hopefully he won't lead them into to many shenanigans.
This past week Mia showed Ned how to blow raspberries on the boys tummies. He loved it. Today he was blowing raspberries on their shirts after I blew one into Nolans neck crease. Unfortunately they don't make a lot of noise when done on the shirt, but Ned didn't care. I tickled Nolans neck while Ned blew so that Nolan would giggle for Ned.
In other news, I have been not getting enough sleep, but what's new. Its come to the point that I can't come up with the right name quickly anymore. I'll tell Ned something about a twin and call him the wrong name. Pretty soon I'll be like my mother in law and call all the kids the dogs name. I'm not looking forward to that. Especially since we don't have a dog. Ha ha. We don't name the chickens, and we don't have names for the cows this time around (past names have included Hammy, T-bone, etc. My suggestion for Lunch and Dinner keeps getting shot down). We do have a cat named Whiskers and another cat named Midnight whom has defected and lives with the neighbors now. Whiskers sneaks into the garage and eats the chicken food. I don't think the girls have been feeding her every day. I've got to make sure to bug them about that.
Quick story. A few weeks ago I took off on a road trip with my lovely sister. We went to my nephews wedding about 4-5 hours away. the twins came with and we left Ned and the girls at home with Dad. My brave sister! Anyway I got a text about 45 minutes out of town. Our cows had escaped. Lovely. They had smashed down part of our fence, broke the electric, and exited at the open gate at the front of the property. They hadn't escaped since the twins were 2 weeks old and the gate had been having problems since that deep freeze we had a few months ago. We hadn't put a priority on fixing it. Anyway, I guess we should have.
Over the process of our trip, hubby and our home teacher and his son tracked the cows. Turned out they had escaped during the night and had been out quite a while before we noticed. Hubby feeds them every day and when they didn't come to eat he discovered the fence.
Anyway, after a long day of searching they found them about 2 miles away. the cows had been discovered by the Sheriff and a very kind farmer/rancher? had corralled the cows. We were able to get them home the next day and the kind fellow helped hubby bring the 2 troublesome cows to the auction a few days later (where, since we were a month earlier than planned they sold for way to little, but better to break even than the cows out again, hit by a car or stolen and a total loss)
We are now down to 2 fairly quiet cows again, and the gate is mostly working (needs some work though. I think we need to find a manual for it).
We've also got chicks in the greenhouse growing and we planted seeds for FHE last night followed by some fun Kinect sports. I had to leave the room after a while. I had stayed up until midnight the night before (stupid!) and was way to tired for all of the noise! In my defense, the boys have been sleeping more and more and Nolan has been sleeping through the night here and there (2x last week!) but still stupid of me! With all of this teething I went from the occasional not bad night to 3x a night again.
Cecilee and Mia have been having a great time at school lately. Mia's class went to Swan Lake last week and Cecilee's class went to NNU for something today. They are both loving activity day girls and don't mind helping out with their brothers ("thank you" says my sanity!)
The reason I have time to post this lovely long post is due to a primary presidency meeting this morning where the boys both took mini naps which I thought was horrid until I realized that they were going to take their long naps later. I put them down at the same time as Ned and perhaps I'll have some time to myself! That never happens!!!