Wednesday, September 5, 2012

update and baby shower!

So I'm 36 weeks today! YAY.  I had so many contractions all throughout yesterday that I was worried I wouldn't make it. I totally overdid it yesterday but managed to make it through the crisis and only whined for a while.  I think it had something to do with ending the day with a cool bath that seemed to help my swollen ankles.

A few ladies from the ward threw myself and another pregnant lady in the ward a baby shower last week.  It was a lot of fun.  It was supposed to be a diapers and wipes shower, but there were a lot of clothes thrown in also.  They are all very cute, but with so many smaller sized clothes I will either have to regift or return/swap some out for larger sizes.  Which is sad because the clothes are SO cute.  I've decided to hold off on doing anything right now due to just being to tired to go to the store/lets see if I end up needing the clothes after all.  We got really cute short outfits that are super cute and 0-3 month size.  I may have to pull those out. 

We were also given a huge amount of diapers along with 2 diaper cakes and other misc baby items.

I had to bring baby E with me and he was held and cuddled and carried around by all.

I heard the other lady from the ward had her baby yesterday.  I'm very happy for her because she was overdue by 1 day.  And handling it very well. 

Baby E is still having a hard time transitioning to life without the girls home.  Each week on Monday the adjustment seems huge. Yesterday was bad again since Daddy (the light of his life) had taken both Friday and Monday off. so baby E had a huge readjustment again.  Then the babies are going to come and we will have an even bigger adjustment when its him, me and babies at home alone.   Should be interesting and I'm NOT looking forward to it .

We received Baby E's baby book in the mail yesterday. It turned out very cute. I'm really glad that I blogged about so many of his milestones.  I was able to copy/paste a lot of that into the book.  And I got a really good deal on Picaboo.  I had purchased a Groupon earlier in the year and that make his $40 book about $12 after shipping, etc. I'm going to try and do the same for the twins.  Good luck to me! I've also decided it will be important that they each have their own baby books.

The girls are loving school as always.  They had told me several times over the summer they wished they could go to school, so I'm happy that they are still loving it. 

The soccer season has started and they are happy that Dad is their coach this year.  This is new for C but old hat for A.  I hope this continues to be a good experience for all after the twins are here.

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