Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Facebook Fast

So yesterday I decided that I was spending way to much time on Facebook and that we needed some time apart.

I would check it several times a day. Typically when I would sit down to nurse I would check it on the IPAD. I decided it was to much.

I started my fast yesterday morning.  It was funny how many times I went to type in the website and had to stop myself.

today I've had some other projects to distract me so it hasn't been as noticeable. 

How long will this fast last? I don't know. But fast and last rhyme and now I'm a poet. 

Yeah. I don't know. I'm going to try for a few more days. Maybe a week?

1 comment:

  1. I'm still fasting, and a better person for it. Good for you. -alyson
