Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Oh my goodness

 When did life get so crazy?

We have been so busy with school finishing up and everything else going on.

Cecilee is off this week enjoying a few days with some fellow 5th graders at outdoor camp.  They are enjoying all sorts of outdoor activities.  She really wanted to go and we told her she could go if she earned half the money. And she did.  We knew a lot of the chaperones and 2 of her cabin chaperones were from our ward.  Her good friends were in her cabin with her also.  When i dropped her off I don't even think she knew I was leaving. She was so into what was happening around her.  I'm really excited she got to go and pray that its a good experience for her.  She needed a little break from her family. don't we all every now and again?

Mia is happy to be done with school  she is missing her sister a lot but enjoying being the oldest at home.  She keeps adding things to her birthday list (that is still months and months away) and wanting to have swimming lessons and do all sorts of fun things this summer.

Ned is potty training. Most days are good days, but don't ask about poop yet.  that is still a work in progress.  Yesterday we were busy doing some chicken coop upgrades and he decided to take off his jeans and underwear and stuff them in the irrigation headgate area (which wasn't flowing right then thank goodness. That would have been one mighty clog) and then he proceeded to hide on the back porch and release some large , well, maybe I shouldn't tell you that story. this is a family blog after all.  In the irrigation area whilst fishing out his clothing (which he was honest enough to tell us about) I also found an uprooted tomato plant and 2 butternut squash plants.  the water was cool, so I think the plants will be fine.  but i would never have found those plants in there without having to fish for the clothes. so I guess that was a small blessing.

The boys are still the terrible twosome.  They are cute and smiley but boy they are into everything. Every time I turn around Quinton has the dishwasher open and is standing on the door.  I don't understand the fascination.  Nolan has recently learned to climb (a few months after his brother, he has a different build) and is constantly dragging my kitchen chairs everywhere.  So THAT has been a whole lot of fun.

They all enjoy going out side and can be pulled out of any cranky mood at the mere mention of going outside.  They love the dirt and water that can be found in the garden.  So they are constantly there despite Milton always telling them to stay away.

They also enjoy swinging on the swing on their tummy because they can do it without help. and Quinten likes to climb up the ladder and go down the slide by himself.  

Milton has been completing various big projects outside (chicken coop, irrigation pipe, garden redesign) with some help from me. I have my own projects, but am kept busy for the most part chasing children down and feeding them along with cleaning and laundry.

I'm excited for my Canterbury bells which are going to bloom in the next day or so (they are opening Laura!!!) and the first couple are going to be purple. but I see pink and white also.

I still have to figure out what to do with lots and lots of larkspur as well as a whole ton of volunteer tomato plants from our garden.  ugh.

Milton and I recently went a way for a quick weekend trip a couple of weeks ago.  We had a couple of quiet days in Cascade and boy did we need it.  Life has been so overwhelming lately and I knew I needed a breather before summer started.  Its my month to teach sharing time, so that's an added stress that I enjoy for the most part.  I like the weeks that i feel the kids respond and I feel like a failure the weeks that the kids just stare at me.  But I'm getting better at it and have had more good lessons than bad.

I'm so proud of Milton.  He continues to actively seek a healthy lifestyle. he gets up at an insane hour and works out every morning before work. I contribute homemade yogurt (check my other blog for the recipe!) and homemade bread, as well as love and support.  He is looking so good these days and has so much energy. I love it!

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