Sunday, September 28, 2014

Finding myself...again

And so it goes.  I've come to the conclusion that you can never just define yourself.  As I have more children and life and challenges come to me, I have to find myself again.  I don't mean religiously. I know I am a daughter of God.  I mean, find ways to express myself, time for myself - find ways to be Megan, all the while being Mom.

I've found that as my days get busier with everything, this task is bigger and bigger.  I find the time to work out, but I just don't have the time for expressing myself creatively anymore.  I love crocheting, don't mind sewing, tolerate knitting, and dabble in a bunch of other things. but the last time I sewed was last year, the last time I spun wool into yarn was 2+ years ago. I did crochet a bit last month, I haven't knitted for at least 6 months.  I did do some origami last month.... How did I find time for it? I remember my kids and house suffering for a few days.  Maybe that is the answer.  Not make time for it. TAKE time for it.  That and I've noticed that time spent on electrical devices is a lot of wasted time. Not all of it, but a lot. I need to be more organized with my time.

Hmmm things to think about. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this. It seems like I'm always evolving and changing. Like photography, which I'd like to become better at, but life has gotten too busy and I have more pressing hobbies, such as writing. Or crochet, which I used to do on a regular basis, but which hurts too much to do regularly anymore. I often wonder how much more time I'd have for my hobbies if I buried my electronic devices in the backyard. :)
