Monday, December 3, 2012

Life is good

Ok, so that last post focuses on negatives so I'm making myself write down my blessings.

Healthy kids. Slightly crusty noses. But doing well besides that.

Good older sister helpers.

Great husband. Very supportive and hard working.

Working with a great company putting our house back together.  

Fireplace that keeps us warm despite missing a whole lot of ducting.

Soft bed.

Reliable car.

Holiday shopping mostly done

Babies sleeping a lot at night. (I told hubby that its like a starving or thirsty man. You can't give me just a little water at a time. It's torture. I want to drink gallons of it. Sleep that is.)

Swaddles. Couldn't live without them.

iPad, kindle


Caring hubby

Sweet kiddos

Toddler N is a smiley sweetie. Who climbed up on the piano keyboard today.  Yes he's climbing. Thanks Dad.

The other day I was walking past the nursery and out he came with a nursery leader. The front of his pants were soaked.  I asked if he had spilled water on himself.  She then asked if he was wearing a diaper. I said yes.  She checked the back of his pants and she said I don't think he's wearing a diaper.  I said no way! And then oh my heck.  We went to the mothers room to remedy the situation, all the while me trying to figure out who could have forgotten to puta diaper on him. I mean we are sleep deprived, but to forget a diaper?  Anyway, as I was removing his pants, I found his diaper down one of his pants legs.  My guess is that he was playing with the tabs.  

He likes to climb on the toilet in the guest bathroom, the table, and the bunk beds so far. I don't dare wonder what he will climb next.

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