Monday, December 3, 2012

Life is hard

So yeah. Life seems hard tonight.  I think I'm just tired. 

Today was a day of ups and downs.

The boys slept until 5:30.yay!
The boys wouldn't go back to sleep until their normal 7:30 wake up time.
My dreams of a long luxurious shower and perhaps some time for myself went poof!
I managed to squeeze a shower into a brief moment when they took a short nap.

Trying to get anything done anymore seems like I'm slogging through quicksand.  Sure, say I want to go work on a Christmas project.  In order to do that someone has to be napping.  And even then the someone who is napping may want to be held.

Say I want to go anywhere.  I can't. The only time I go anywhere during the day involves a massive effort.  We went to Costco during the day last week and it was a huge production involving a double stroller, a cart, and way to much time getting little bodies in and out of carseats. 

Yes. We are almost there on sleep.  With extra feedings for baby Q the long periods of sleep are getting better. But it's just so hard to fathom the difference between one baby and two unless you have been there before.

I don't have any time or brain cells left to do much thinking.  Hubby keeps asking me what I want for Christmas and i can't think of anything.  But that's only because sleep doesn't come in pill form yet.

I'm exhausted and I think I just need to figure out how to make time to do something for me.  Hubby gives me breaks, I guess I just need to figure out how to better use them.

I've got ward help. But when they come I focus on getting my house clean and organized. Or I go to doctors appointments.  I do get a shower when they come.  They help me so much.  Can you imagine where I would be If I didn't have that help?

I think I should go to bed.  I need to drink more water and eat more veggies.

I miss my Mom.

Don't ask me about carpet, remodeling, if I want anymore kids, what I want for Christmas, how badly I need a haircut, why Its time to repaint my home, or any of the other subjects that are overwhelming me right now.

life is hard.

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