Monday, December 31, 2012

Keep on trucking

So we are just trucking along still.

The boys are doing well.  Healthy and happy.  Sleeping through the night a lot. From 9 to about 5 and then if I'm lucky they go down for another hour.

Ned's newest word is whoa and he uses it liberally.  Even getting the context correct! He loves to help still.  He has stopped climbing on the table as much since he fell off. He was fine but may have scarred Cecilee for life.  He was on the table, she was trying to get him off, he backed away from her and fell off.  Cecilee felt awful. 

The girls got new bikes for Christmas and have been riding around when weather permits. We've all been spending time playing the new sports game we got for Christmas.  Hubby is upset that the girls keep creaming him in bowling.  

I've been getting more sleep, but it will be a while before it isn't like gold to me.  

We never did put up a tree for Christmas. It just wasn't practical this year. We weren't sure when the carpet was coming, and with toddler E into everything it just seemed like a extra headache. C made a Christmas tree project that was cute. We put it on the wall and put the presents under it. It was a little weird, but it will be a memory.  

The twins are cooing and smiling bunches.  They are almost 4 months old.  They each look different from the other.  They still have the entire ward charmed.  I've been busy in primary so it seems like hubby keeps one baby and I have to find someone else to keep the other.  I've had nothing but good reviews ( it's nap time, they just sleep and look cute) we'll see what happens when we go to a different schedule next week.  

Toddler E wants to play the kinect so bad.  I'm trying to convince the girls to try and teach him to play.  We'll see what happens.  He loves to watch them play.

Time to change the diapers!

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