So the dryer started thumping last night. Then the thumping got worse after a second load was going. I stopped the mostly dry load and proceeded to google possible problems. There are some great YouTube videos out there. So I may be taking the dryer apart tonight to diagnose the situation.
Trouble is, parts would be at least a week out and we are going out of town tomorrow. But at least there is a dryer next door we can use. I just hope we can fix it. If not, well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
In other news, this morning out of the corner of my eye I saw my tummy rippling. It happened a few more times over the next 10 seconds. Wow. That was weird.
We've had a crazy busy week. Softball games, visiting teaching, dentist appointments, piano and swimming lessons, family obligations, and church meetings. By the way the Boise Temple open house is scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2012. But today we get to go to my doctor and take the glucose test. yummy. And then tomorrow a quick trip to a wedding.
I didn't realize that i needed a break from my calling for a week until I realized I was feeling relief at not having to do it on Sunday. It has been my month to teach sharing time, so that is probably the reason. Its always a big month getting a big lesson every week. I do have to say that I've enjoyed this month's topics. Very basic ones like tithing, modesty, etc. Next month is the same. I'm filling in one week and my topic is kindness.
Baby E is walking up a storm these days. He loves the word eat and has discovered that he likes Elmo's world. He is getting very wiggly during church and is sooo ready for nursery. The other day he tried to dart in and join the fun. I guess all of those kids playing with toys were to tempting for him.
The girls are doing great at swimming lessons. I have only been a few times due to Baby E's wiggling, but I'm going to go with them today as promised and watch. They are getting so confident in the water. We went to an Elders quorum part on Friday and they were so comfortable in the water. It was great!
The last piano lesson was yesterday. Swimming ends today, and softball only has 2 more weeks left. I have enjoyed the opportunities for them, but am looking forward to a few weeks to enjoy the lazy days of summer with them. And then it will be time to go to the beach! I'll be 28 weeks when we go. I am getting more and more uncomfortable. But so far just normal stuff. Turning over 3 times a night due to hip aches, can't lie on my back for very long, can't eat big meals, etc etc. Nothing that would keep me from going to the beach yet.
Craft update - 2 shirts 2 pants. If I was building a house and putting in the plumbing, I would say they had been "roughed in". Basically the structure is there, but ends need to be tucked in, buttons, etc need to be attached, and the waste band on the pants needs to be done.
I have one baby blanket 1/2 done, but with our trip coming up tomorrow, there is a good chance I could finish one this weekend. I am getting a little tired of crochet though, so I may bring along the knitting needles for that scripture case I need to get started on..
Wish we could have been there to see the swimming this year. how are the rasberries doing? 'I would sure love some rasberry freezer jam right now!!! Yummy!!! Thanks for posting. have a great weekend with lots of smooches and hugs from us. Mom