Thursday, June 7, 2012

whistle while you work

I've been working on blessing outfits for the boys. 

Don't laugh.  Its thread crochet.  2 whole outfits. Its going to take months. So anyway, I started last week.  I got a the front and back of a shirt done and started on a sleeve. I thought it was looking to big, but after starting the sleeve I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to switch to a different hook and start all over.   Ugh.  This shirt looks like it would fit baby E.

In other news, I'm still getting projects done but now have an intense desire to deep clean MY ENTIRE HOUSE.  With a TOOTHBRUSH!

We get to have another ultra sound today. 

There was something else...something new Baby E was doing...I don't remember.

The girls and I are enjoying summer.  We have swimming lessons starting in a little over a week and then at the end of the month we have a trip to Utah for a wedding planned.

The rest of June is somewhat full of appointments with the dentist, orthodontist, pediatrician, primary activity, and piano lessons. It would be a full month with school, but without it, it feels doable!

Oh that is what I was going to say about Baby E.  He is now saying "Uh OH!".  Occasionally on his own, and sometimes when you say it to him. It's adorable.

He is getting so independent. And now that I'm not nursing him anymore, his favorite person in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD is Daddy. He can even say "DA!" .  But I'm not sure he is saying Dad or if he just likes the sound of it. It doesn't really matter though, right?

His older sisters love watching him and playing with him all day.  Leaving me with lots of time to work on the blessing outfits, dye wool, and as soon as I buy some totes, organize my craft closet.  YAY!

They are also currently obsessed with our Nintendo 64.  Sunday we got it out and let them play Mario Cart.  Then we had a rainy Monday (or was it Tuesday?) and I let them play it after chores.  Now they ask if they can play it all the time. I've had to limit it and put rules on it. They discovered a Zelda game today.  Luckily we only have about 4 games all told.  As long as they play outside and don't fight, I'm ok with them playing a limited time on it.

The girls also have started softball.  Hubby is C's coach and A has a different coach.  The practice is early so they have been getting home a little after 7. 

We've had another adventure on the property.  It wasn't all that exciting though.  We had a wind storm a few nights ago and it caused a very very long buried irrigation pipe to clog.  Hubby and I didn't realize it until a neighbor pointed it out.  So after a day at work, putting up some new electrical fencing, and some other chores around the house, we got to try and unclog this pipe.  It was all sorts of fun.  Truth is, its tiring.  And after we were losing the light and hubby was cold and tired, we decided to give it up for the night.

Next morning imagine our surprise and delight when the pipe was flowing just fine.  I'd say that our cool gadget where we duct taped a whole bunch of PVC sprinkler pipes together and fished around for the clog worked. It might have, we even taped an empty plastic water bottle on the end to act as a battling ram. But truthfully, I'm pretty sure our prayers were answered that night.  We were not sure what to do next and were afraid we would have to call in some help (RotoROOTER!)

1 comment:

  1. You are a crazy lady. TWO blessing outfits? Crocheted? Thread crochet? More power to you. :) I'm sure they will be beautiful.
