Wednesday, January 30, 2013

my day

Today the girls have a dentist appointment at 2:30.  Here is how the day went. (is going)

3:30am . boys wake up. feed, put down. desperately try to get back to sleep (been having problems with getting back to sleep)

7:53 yell at A to get out of bed.  Bus comes at 8:07 or so.  She is trying the ol' I am tired and don't want to get up so I'll try the stomachache routine. I tell her that if she stays home she'll have to miss the dentist, do chores all day, and deal with me being cranky.  She obliges and gets up and out the door.

While all this is happening the twins need to be fed. I sit down to nurse and remember that I still need to write a note for them.  I nurse and write a note. I'm so good at multi-tasking (please forgive the sloppy handwriting front office :) )

They make the bus, notes in hand.

I finish nursing and put the boys on a blanket on the floor and turn on PBS for toddler E.  I'm tired and in a daze since I didn't get into a good deep sleep after the 3am feed.  It was weird.

I finally get moving.  Three diapers changed check!  Outfits chosen for our outing later today? check!

The boys, toddler E, and I hang out until about 10 when its time to  nurse the boys for their nap. I round up the swaddles and wrap and nurse them.  Toddler E and I hang out until about 12:30.  Toddler E gets his lunch and I hop into the shower for the quickest shower ever. no hair washing.  Just a quick wash.

toddler E has managed to drain his water all over the table and himself as well as some of his lunch. 

I give him a towel and tell him to clean up. He does a little. He isn't 2 yet. I'm impressed.

1pm.  Babies get up and get nursed and changed into their outfits for our dentist trip.  Toddler E gets a clean diaper (poopy) and a clean outfit since his other one is now wet and dirty.

 1:46 pull out of the driveway.  The kids take forever to get to the front office.  I end up waiting outside with the kids who are still in the car. 

2:03  the decision has been made to go home for the toothbrushes and toothpaste that I left on the counter.  A quick stop and we are on our way again.

2:30 we are pulling into the dentist office. Impressive.  Except that we'll be late because we still have to get all of the kids out of the car.  But only by a few minutes!

Toddler E chases around the waiting room and childrens area. The twins stay in their carseats.  The girls are in and out and in while they brush teeth, go potty, get their teeth cleaned and then both in for a final check from the dentist.  No cavities!

A quick stop at McDonalds for an early dinner because A has a academic achievement award (ie give the kid a free cheap meal and make the family spend $ on food for the rest of the family. yuckiest chicken sandwich I've had in a while).

4:10 home again home again jiggety jig. now its time to nurse the babies again.

The girls and Toddler E are playing outside. About 30 minutes pass and they all come inside. Toddler E is screaming because he was playing in the slushy snow and his hands are really cold. A hot bath later and he is feeling much better. 

Hubby is home now and A and I go and feed the Chickens. Hubby goes to feed the cows.

The girls and I ate at McDonalds and hubby had a sandwich at work (this is really not normal for us. I make dinner, I do!) I heated up some red pepper potato soup from yesterday so that I could have some nutrition in my dinner.  The chicken sandwich I had at McDonalds was just not very good.  But it didn't have mayo on it, I didn't order pop, and only had a handful of Toddler E's fries.  So overall, it could have been much worse. the kids had chicken nuggets, chocolate milk, and apple slices. So yeah, not great, but not like we all had cheeseburgers, fries and pop. 

Anyway, enough of that :)

The boys had diaper changes in there somewhere. One of them had blown out.  

I just nursed the boys again and the girls have done their chores. They are now emptying the dishwasher.

We will most likely watch a show (The Biggest Loser?) together for the next hour.  I will work out at 8pm and then 8:30 is bedtime.  

Diapers will be changed!  Swaddles will be used!  Kids will be in Bed! And The House Will Be Quiet!

Just in time to start all over at 3am :)  Good thing we don't have any appointments tomorrow.  However I do need to go to Costco...Maybe tomorrow?  (probably not, but a girl can dream, right?)


  1. Wow, busy day! Lots of diapers and nursing in there. I'm impressed you still get time to work out and watch a show, though. Hang in there!

  2. It's just a cycle...but eventually you get somewhere, and all those little moments and services rendered determine your destination.
